Thursday, July 2, 2009

Urban Dictionary

So I had some downtime this afternoon at work so I've been fucking around on the internet waiting for the four o'clock mark to get here so I can bounce and head into my three day weekend....I think I'll start with a nap :)

So anyway...I stumbled upon the urban dictionary at (which is going actually come in handy because I frequently have no idea what the hell my contractors are saying...they think they are so hood and all...) so anyway, here are some words that amused me:

Brown crayon: when no matter how many times you wipe your ass you can't get rid of the brown streak

fur bucket: female genitalia

brown chicken, brown cow: an onomatopaeic imitation of the guitar riff commonly heard in 1970s porn movies (I'm weak over this one)

I use this one a lot, didn't realize it had a meaning though:

Let you go: "I want to get off the phone now because I hate talking to you, but I'll pretend that i'm being polite by letting you go back to whatever boring crap you would be doing if you weren't talking to me

farting gift: the act of someone farting immediately before leaving a room; leaving that special something to be remembered by

I could go on, but it's just about time to close up shop here...there is a nap calling my name at home and a dog that is SO ready to get out of the cage and pee I'm sure.

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