Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Strawberry Banana Snack Mix

I'm not much of a trail mix, chex mix, snack mix, or mix person in general. It normally seems like a waste of money to buy a mix of something when I'm simply going to just pick out what I want and throw the rest away. (the exception to this is the Turtle Chex mix--which I only eat the caramel covered stuff and pitch the rest...and only from time to time)

But I digress. Cost Plus World Market apparently sells strawberry Banana Snack Mix. I know this, not because I went to the store and bought it but because there is a pallet of the stuff in the warehouse that is going to expire soon so we can't ship it to the stores and get it sold prior to it expiring--so it's being given away for free. I will admit, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to give it a go.

The mix is comprised of banana chips, dried strawberries, peanuts, almonds, chocolate covered peanuts, white chips (they look like white chocolate chips but I don't think they are chocolate), etc... okay...I have discovered that I am still picking out only the things I like, but I did at least attempt to be adventurous and try at least one of everything in the bag...

Findings: banana chips are actually kind of enjoyable but have a weird aftertaste because of the peanuts they are mixed with; dried out strawberries--even though still a little gummy are the among the most disgusting things I've ever put in my mouth and I literally almost vomited upon biting into it (I think its a texture thing); the almonds are great, the white chips are overrated; the chocolate covered peanuts are not the best I've ever had. I'd have to give it a 3 out of 10.

I don't know, my rating may be a little biased, but I will tell you that it's not something I would pay money for that is for sure. Really everything in the bag tastes like peanuts because the peanuts over power everything...It's kind of gross the more i munch on it and yet I'm still compelled to eat it as if there will magically be something fabulous appear if I keep eating it...ugh.

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