Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sexual Faux Paws

So Jen and I were doing it last know "it" (playing uno, NOT)...and I went to get resituated or switch positions when I hit my head on the night stand. Not just bumped it, but flat out plowed into the shit like some crazy roid rage type stuff and the night stand went into the wall.

Jen held in laughter until after she confirmed my well being and then the two of us spent about fifteen minutes just laughing our asses off, nearly peeing the bed replaying the situation in our heads. It doesn't make any sesne how I did it or what the hell was going on that led up to it, but the fact was there was just no way to play it off and look cool.

I love that I'm in love with a woman who loves me enough to laugh with me. That's huge. The good news is I woke up this morning and didn't die in my sleep from a the hell did I hit my head like that.

That's the kind of shit that if it were to happen on a first date you'd never talk to the person again, you'd be mortified...I mean it ranks right up there with farting in the middle of a seriously intense sexcapade...then there is real life...committed...monagamous relationships, regardless of whether they are few months old or 78 years in the making where those instances just make everything make sense...

They all have a way of decrypting shit in general--those moments that make you smile, laugh, shake your head and keep going.

After recovering from my head injury we had carried on to our deviant antics when Pepper jumps up on the bed, lets out a Chubaka like grown and plops her big furry ass right smack in the middle of "lesbians gone wild"... a literal sexual faux "Paw"

Oh yeah babe is that the spot? Well babe I dunno I'm too distracted by the fact that your dog is resting her head on my leg... I really freaked out when the two tongues that were supposed to be in action were and a third comes out of no where on the bottom of my foot... Fucking a.. it's the dog.

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