Sunday, August 2, 2009

I survived....BARELY

This has nothing to do with this post, but Chino kitty really REALLY loves Crunch 'n munch. He is also a fan of doritos, cheetos, bacon, roast beef w/gravy, etc...he's a weirdo.
Tonight was my dad's surprise going away party. He and my mom fell asleep and were late, which was funny...but everything came together well. I told grandma to shut the hell up in the nicest way I possibly could. I told her that she was adding to the stress and confusion of everything and that I wasn't trying to be mean, but I was frazzled and while I realized that she was trying to help she was really adding to the confusion...she understood. This is a picture of my brother and I.
Jen and I on the back porch...that's soybeans behind us, I think...haha...

The fam...Mandi aka preggers/baby oven, mom, me, Jeffro, and Dad
Reason # 721 why I love my family...they are hilarious...Dad and Jeffrey strike a pose (and yes that is a "cape" on Jeff's back)

Me and Jen again...

Me and Mandi

Jen, Lil Man, and Me...(my mom's friend Abbie told lil man he'd get a dollar if he'd cooperate for the pic...this is the best pic he's ever taken, haha...and she paid up, lol)

1 comment:

vixen kitten said...

LOOOOOVE the cape! I think I need a cape. I'm not sure why....just thinking it would come in handy for something!

Yes, those look like soybeans. I should know. My whole damn state is full of them. :)

Chino rocks! I like his "favorites" too!

The last pic is priceless! You guys are adorable. Prolly the best spent buck ever!


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