Monday, August 17, 2009

Violet Mints

So I was out on the warehouse floor when I bump into my friend Julie and shoot the shit for a second. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out "Violet" mints and says I just have to try one. They smell really good...almost perfume-y so I give it a go. It started out rather enjoyable, but the more I chewed, the more I wanted to each is own I guess.

In my opinion, thats what sucking on one of those pine tree violet scented air fresheners would taste like...some of ya'll may be into that. Apparently they are made here in America... I'm not impressed, lol.

Check them out more random thing that Cost Plus World Market sells.... VIOLET MINTS...WEIRD.


vixen kitten said...

i can't live without these! I buy them by the case from a store online.

I get the gum too.

Seriously addicted to the damn things.


tommy said...

HOW do you eat those? My taste buds rebelled... started out oh so lovely then just got weirder and weirder...I'm not a fan, lol...that just means more available for you to buy, haha :)and to eat/chew at your new job

Helen McGinn said...

We have a sweetie over her called Parma Violets. They are tiny little purple sherbety thingies which you either lve or hate; sounds exactly the same kind of thing. I love 'em!

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