Sunday, August 2, 2009

My vagyna sold for $20 dollars

I let Jen borrow my car to go to work yesterday just for shits and giggles and I wasn't going anywhere...well she got the usual people taking pictures of my license plate while driving down the road...

She got to her theatre and was grabbing her bag from the backseat when a couple of girls asked permission to pose with my car and the license plate (which remember says VAGYNA)...she explained it wasn't her car it was her girlfriends and then said that she'd agree to it for five bucks per photo and made ten bucks right there.

Later in the evening while working the box office another pair of women, this time a mother daughter inquired about the owner of the Tiburon with the funny plates. Jen walked out after taking off her jacket with her theatre info (name and rank, lol) and made another damn ten bucks.

My vagyna sold for twenty bucks...sure...sounds kind of low, but dammit, why didn't I think about charging folks before now...



vixen kitten said...

Jen sounds brilliant!

Have a great Monday, Sugar.


My heart said...

Brian and Joe said we need to take the car up to the colleges and park it outside the campus and make money that way" $ fo Vagyna is what the sign should say!

tommy said...

Or first vagyna free...ODU here we come, lol

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