Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm starving.

My nails look hideous.

My upper lip hurts because of this fucktard zit that I'm about to start charging rent.

Nine minutes before I get out of this hell hole... then off to the interview....

Then I can get food....mmmm food. Chick Fil-a sweet tea would so totally rock my world right now. Of course so would food in general and a mountain dew.

Put on a happy face.

Don't think about Jen being gone for almost a whole week (no cuddling, no sex, just texts and phone calls when applicable across a couple of time zones...) FUCK. don't think about it.

Ignore your urge to pick at the giant zit...LEAVE IT ALONE...

Go pee before driving to interview...

Did I put on deodorant?

I need to buy the winning lottery ticket tonight...It'll only take a dollar...

Oh the things I would do with money...

I think i might cut peppers hair...like clipper her fur down pretty short...I dont want her to look like she has mange though....give this more thought.

Gotta pee.

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