Monday, April 13, 2009

Organized Chaos

I like to consider myself as organizationally chaotic. Sure...doesn't make a great deal of sense but for those that know me, they kind of get what I'm trying to say. What makes me teeter over the edge (well one of the things) is piss poor planning and complete and total fucking chaos.

My name is Tommy and I work with a bunch of FUCKING idiots. I already didn't want to come into work this morning (I was a little tired to say the least since my girlfriend is a rockstar and wore me out...but that's not appropriate discussion for the moment, lol) really the only reasons I didn't call out is that I don't have another job lined up yet to where I can just say fuck this one completely and it was payroll day. I needed to fax in my timecard as well as verify hours for my contractors and ensure that they get paid as well.

Well anyway, I get the information that I need from Various ops managers as to their staffing requirements, get back to the office and call my boss to fill her in on everything and then make my phonecalls. Only for fifteen minutes after the calls are made to get a call from the worst ops manager in the buiding (as far as being a complete and total know nothing peckerhead) informing me that his forecast had changed and he now needed all of his contractors as opposed to none (which is what he had quoted earlier).

Back on the mother fucking phone to deal with people who are already pissy because of a fucked up work (or no work situation) and what happens...well they assume that I'm a jackass that can't make up my mind (they don't see the bigger picture where I'm just the fucking messenger all the damn time).

I hate having to wait on other mother fuckers to do their jobs before I can fucking do mine.

Really... give me that guys $60 to $75,000 paycheck and I'll do his fucking job right. FUCKety FUCK FUCK stupid mother fuckin bastards...

Are you fucking kidding me, the fucker just called me back and wanted me to call someone else for him...Oh, I'm sorry stupid mother fucker, I already called that guy in for you since you can't count and you don't even know who is still on the active list to come in and work for you....Boy am I glad it's time to fucking go.

Fuck me in the ass sideways. (no not literally)

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