Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To blog or not to blog

Yep that's the question...  I'm so behind in blogging and have so much to blog about but have decided to just put all that on hold to get thoughts on one topic in particular--Blogging.

See, what had happened was... I was at work today talking to some supervisors.  Somehow the topic of Myspace and Facebook came up and how this particular supervisor no longer belonged to Facebook and how he had never got in on that whole "myspace thing" anyway... I pipe in with... Yeah, I don't do the Facebook thing and I haven't done the Myspace thing in like forever...I blog and that's about it.

He's like, you blog?  Aren't you worried about prospective or current employers reading it and firing you or not hiring you?  I never really thought about it prior to this.  I was like well I bitch about work on the regular, but I don't use my company's name...everything is client or warehouse, or whatever...He's like it doesn't matter...they can search for you and find it and read it and then they'll know (basically...I'm sharing the condensed version of course)...

Well shit.  I pipe in about how that's a violation of my rights to be fired or not hired based on blogs...he shares with me that it has been ruled relevant because it is considered "published" material.  Well fuck... this whole conspiracy theory has me paranoid.

What I need to know is what is "safe" material to cover.  It appears that my "outlet to the world" is not nearly as freeing as I originally thought.  Do I delete all previous blogs that contains any bit of "unsafe" material (aka ALL OF MY MOTHER FUCKING BLOGS)?  Or do I chance it... or do I just not blog at all anymore?

What if I delete all blogs based on work venting... then I still have issues of it being public on the web that I'm GAY... oh dear...not that... mentions of dirty kinky sex, bodily functions, vulgar license plates... cussing as if it were going out of style... I'm super paranoid now... I can't talk freely...

He put the thought in my head... he said himself that like "50 percent of corporate america is making internet searches part of normal HR functions when it comes to background checks or just researching the candidate in general.

For fucks sake, I just finished my degree.  Ten years in the works and the shit is done, am I ruining every chance I have by a simple blog that I LOVE... where I vent and say whatever the hell without a second thought.  I don't know what's safe and what isn't.  I'm open to suggestions on this one.  I don't know what to do at this point.

And side note, I'm pissed that i am so behind on blog reading and responding to comments.  I've been busting ass at work and been spending more time actually cooking in the evening so that I can eat healthier (thereby eliminated grandma's desire to be in the kitchen and cook weird creepy shit).

I hope everyone is well...I will get to your blogs soon!!  I promise.  Help me out here, PLEASE....

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