Monday, November 30, 2009

Long lunch

I went to to the Social Security office today after getting it cleared through my boss for an extended lunch.  I had my forms and identification in hand and walked in thinking it would be an in and out thing.  I saw the sign which demanded I take a number and immediately became concerned.

My number was 65... okay, no need to freak yet i thought...all of these people could very well have appointments and they are currently on number 63 (I was trying for the positive thinking approach)...the whole positive thing came to a screeching halt when I heard them call number 53... fuck me.  Okay so I'll chill.  Barely any seats, I settled in next to an older woman who smelled of tooth decay...but I tried to not let it get me down.  Pulled out my phone as a distraction, then realized that was pointless as I was on time out and "being left alone" was the request of the person I text more often than any.  Fuck it. 

A cute older black couple walked in.  The woman sat down next to me while her husband, with his cane leaned up against the wall.  I offered him my seat but he assured me he was fine.  The lady got to talking about how she and her husband had been together for 43 years "halleluiah" she proclaimed at the thought of being with the same man for so many years.  Then she said, "or as Madea would say it Halleluyur" and I nearly died.  It tickled me.  She went on to explain to me that relationships don't work if only one person is doing all the work and how if one person goes east and the other goes west.... it just won't work out.  Makes sense.  I found out she lost her sight to diabetes a few years ago in one eye and then in her other due to a stroke.  Her husband isn't allowed to have caffeine, citrus juices, coffee, tea, sweets, etc...the least was quite impressive.  She could make out the shadows of something in the corner (a spider plant)..which spurred a gardening conversation.  I liked her.

I got up to pee and offered her husband my seat again, to which he declined, again.  There was this dude with an english accent who appeared to be getting irritated with how much fun the lady and I were having...I finally got out of there and back to work almost two hours later...eww...but not all that terrible even.

I didn't sleep well last night and my head hurts today... oh well life goes on.  I love how random strangers talk to me on the regular and tell me what's on their minds...or just share with me random stories about their life.  I like that I'm approachable and friendly.  I like the way I feel when I hold open the door for a man in a wheelchair or offer my seat to someone older than me... I'm glad that regardless of how shitty I might appear to be as a person that I was raised with a good sense of right and wrong and with manners and principles.  I like that about me. I like it alot.


Queen of Ruckus said...

And now when you go'll find your SSN card! hahaha! It always happens! :) At least yoru visit to the SS office wasn't too bad. It could have been hell on earth. :)

Helen McGinn said...

I like that about you too! What a lovely old lady. They make a lot of sense sometimes....

Mel's Way or No Way said...

Great story. Old people talk to me too.

I'm happy to see you wrote something you like about yourself. Keep that up.

Anonymous said...

Who says you're a shitty person anyway...I'll punch out their lights.

You are cool, sexy and have the cutest smile. I can see why people find you easy to talk too.