Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Twilight Zone

This week was weird.

The client company gave their employees turkeys for Thanksgiving...They have had a lot of people quit over the last month or so and ended up having extras.  So at the last minute they decided to give me one :) Granted it was on the down low because they didn't have enough for all of my contractors, but I thought it was cool nonetheless (and very unexpected).

The GM pulled me to the side and shook my hand yesterday and told me that he doesnt tell me nearly enough (or at all) that I do a great job and that it's a pleasure to work with me... wow. Thanks dude.

I got a phone call from a recruiter for a staffing company...she's trying to line up candidates for a client that is using them for a direct hire position.  I don't know what company it is yet (i'll only find that out if I get asked to interview for the position.) What I do know is that the pay range is five to eight grand more than I make now...a lil further of a drive, but not bad and yet another day off with no sleeping in

I cooked my first turkey today.  Turned out fabulously but cooking on Thanksgiving is overrated.  I didn't get to sleep in or even put the turkey in the oven and then go back to bed. I was on my feet from eight this morning until about five with the only break being to eat.... I vote for going to someone elses house for Thanksgiving dinner...I wasn't even going to cook, but I got a free turkey and Jen and lil man wanted a traditional thanksgiving dinner...

I'm tired. Really fucking tired.  I sent Jen to work with a metric shit ton of leftovers to get out of here...I don't want to look at them...ugh.

Happy Turkey day to all.

1 comment:

Mel's Way or No Way said...

Ahh, the joy of Thankgiving. You spend all day cooking and when it's finally time to eat you're too tired to want it anymore.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the possible job opprotunity.

Try to get some rest on your one day weekend. No wonder you're tired and burned out-you never get a chance to decompress!