Thursday, January 24, 2013

I was going to go on a diet, but decided to weight.

It's no secret that I've struggled with my weight since I was in middle school.  Each year the scale reads a higher number and my clothes seem to go up in size.  I've stayed around the same give or take 10 pounds for the last couple of years (though it doesn't make world of difference in the scheme of things).

The problem I face now is that my work pants, aka company issued uniform pants are too tight.  They are Women's Dickies Carpenter jeans and already look ridiculous because they are cut weird and the butt pockets sit on the back of my leg and not my butt...

Well even if I were to just say screw it and go up another size--THEY DON'T EVEN MAKE A BIGGER SIZE!!! My usual size 22 ass is already in a 24 because the way that Dickies are cut... and well anything larger isn't an option with the company that issues us our pants...

I already don't have uniform shirts like everyone else because everyone else is a dude and I'm a chick so the dude style button up shirts don't work for me either...they make me look sloppy because the short sleeves come down as 3/4 length sleeves--anyway it's a hot mess.

So I've decided that now is the time to really make an effort.  I can't be miserable in pants that I can't button or worry about blowing the ass out of my pants when I squat down to pick something up... I'm going to go low carb as of tomorrow. (yes it's always tomorrow)...

I've got to do something different and well Atkins style is going to be the quickest way to jump start something...once I get down a few pounds then I'll adapt it and do something a little different.

I'm giving myself a goal as well.  With tax time here and potential money coming back, I always like to get a tattoo when I have "extra" money... well I'm not allowing myself to get a tattoo until I'm down 50 pounds.  No matter how long that takes or how much extra money I have... no tattoos for me... which means tattoo #21 is on hold for now.

I can do this, i can do this, i can do this...OMG!!! I just need pants that fit--i'm miserable in my body right now and it's affecting all aspects of my life, not just work pants... crossing my fingers and sticking to this dammit.

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