Monday, June 4, 2012


My niece Charley is about 2 and 1/2 years old.  She's awesome and I love her (I'm sure I'm biased since she's my niece and all, but there aren't many kids as cool as she

When she was visiting a couple of weeks ago she kept saying, "NO Ganny, don't black my eye..." apparently my sister says she's gonna black her eye sometimes to be funny (she doesn't hit her, lol) and Charley picked it up...

Well today I got a text from my sister that said, "Charley tripped and fell and said, JEEEEZUS, I busted my ass!!!"

I love this age and the fact that she's repeating everything.

Little man got in trouble the other day for hitting something with his bike in the driveway and yelling "JEEZUS CHRIST" really loud... okay, my bad...apparently I say that wayyyyyy more than I realized.  Gotta stop that... lucky for me, he's 8 and knows when I say not to repeat somethign I mean business.  The 2.5 year old on the other hand... NOT SO MUCH.

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