Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pandora's Box

So true story. There was a situation that happened a little bit ago at work and it made me laugh. (I'll blog about it in a minute)...but I was in field hockey's office with Cheerleader discussing said incident when I commented...I'm SOOOOO writing a blog about this...

Field Hockey perked up and was like "you have a blog?" and Cheerleader without missing a beach said the same...cheerleader mentioned wanting to know where it was and I told her flat out NO...she asked why? I responded because you'll read it.

At that point I told her I was pretty sure I wrote a mean blog about her when she first started here at work and may have referred to her as the evil cheerleader bitch...then added a disclaimer to the end that went something like: "but that was then...You're okay in my book now..." as she lifted her jaw up off the floor.

I was amused. She left the office. So there I am standing in Field Hockey's office (I don't think I've introduced her to my blog yet. She's younger, brunette, athletic--sporty spice meets sorority girl, minus the skankiness and airhead qualities....She used to work for the company that i'm employed for but now works for the client company...) But I digress, I normally make it a point to not divulge the whereabouts of even the fact that I have a blog online to anyone, especially coworkers for the simple fact that I don't sugar coat shit and when I have stuff on my mind I write it. (and because sometimes I can't remember if I've said mean shit about the person or not) Well as she had me in a headlock I cracked...I told her.

Okay so no, I wasn't really put in a headlock but I told her. Perhaps something I'll regret later, but for today I'm in a I don't really give a fuck type mood so we'll see.

A few minutes ago she came skipping into my office and says, so "which one of us did you want to barbeque and eat?" I was like huh what are you talking about. Ha, apparently in my Skinny Dieters blog I wrote something along those lines about Cheerleader who in my mind is a compulsive dieter which kills me because I don't see an ounce of fat on her...but what do I know.

It's funny....I can't let things like who is potentially reading my blog keep me from enjoying what I enjoy in life...BLOGGING. Perhaps she'll get some good laughs, definitely some TMI...but is what it is.


vixen kitten said...

I remember that post. I offered to bring the Sweet Baby Ray's!


tommy said...

Yep...that'd be the one

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