Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm radioactive

Why is it that when you take a multivitamin your pee looks flourescent yellow like you are radioactive for a day or something? I'm sure I could Google this...but I'm being lazy and need to make phone calls...anyone?


vixen kitten said...

I don't have to google this. I take vitamins and supplements 3 times a day. I swear by them.

Anyway, B vitamins are water soluble, so any excess that your body doesn't absorb is passed in your urine. It's what makes it that color. That's what my nutrionist said anyway.

Hope that helps.

PS Can you tell I am blogging my day away and not getting much work done? *snort*

Anonymous said...

yup, it's the unused vits that the body is getting rid of

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