Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Closets Schmosets

I think I have a problem. You see my gaydar is often skewed by people that I think should be gay rather than those that actually have tendencies. Long story short, I have a hard telling who the straight people are because I want EVERYONE to be gay...it's more fun that way. Ha ha.

Seriously though, there is this security guard at work that really needs to come out of the closet. She's in her late forties Early fifties I'd say, Keeps her hair even shorter than mine (doesn't make her gay, I know), retired Navy, two kids, ex husband, lots of dogs, a cat or two, but her mannerisms just scream BUTCH DYKE. I'm confused as to how she hasn't got the memo yet.

When I started working here a year ago she suggested we go out for a beer after work one time (but I didn't only because she talks about her employees some kind of bad and I didn't want her to find something out about me and tell everyone she talked to...she's one of those people) but I still talk to her in passing. One time I mentioned how I had a dykey haircut because the chick butchered my hair and she was like yeah I'm not a fan of labels... in reference to me using the term dyke...) Was that a tell?

I just saw her in the warehouse, she's the Security supervisor but works mainly out at the back truck gate of the facility so I don't see her often....but it takes everything in me to not yell...COME OUT OF THE CLOSET ALREADY....come on...you know you want to...just admit it to yourself and then the world...you can do it....IT'S FUN BEING GAY....

But, not my place.

1 comment:

Helen McGinn said...

Yeah, but it'd be kind of fun....;O) x

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