Saturday, October 17, 2009

14 months

It only took 14 months for the General Manager to acknowledge, accept, appreciate, and laugh at my sense of humor.  It's like all of a sudden something clicked and he was like, "wow, Tommy's pretty clever..." or something.  He told me a couple of weeks ago that he was impressed by the little one liner I offered at the daily meeting... (my thought was, dude I do it all the time, where have you been...) made note and just kept it moving.

Yesterday, he talked to me a bit more which still makes me paranoid...yes, I'm one of "those people." But this morning, this morning was icing on the cake.  I'm out on the floor (yes working on a saturday, eww) and he comes up to me and is like "hey, are those the two girls from yesterday that were spotted just chillin' after pretending to be sick and leaving work?"  I explained they were and that my boss and his ops manager had decided that a final warning was acceptable simply because they need bodies here to work with the volume as high as it is.  I assured him that my boss was working on getting more quality people in here so that we wouldn't have to tolerate such things in the future.  He wasn't amused.

He wanted to know why we were wasting time on them and just hadn't fired them.  I explained it to him again, but using different verbage and added how on a personal note I'm trying to not get frustrated by the fact that we can't hire dependable people that come to work on the regular and want to be here.... I said a few other things and he stopped.  ( I assumed I had said something wrong) He looks at me and says, "Tommy don't lose that passion... when you lose that passion, that's when you begin to accept mediocrity."  It was deep, but weird.  Did I just have a philosophical moment with the GM, a dude who has kept communication with me to a bare minimum since my start here over 14 months ago?  Wow...breakthrough or twilight zone?  I'm not sure.

To top it off I had continued on my "rounds" and was helping some of my ladies reticket some items and build a pallet when he walks by and is like "Tommy can I talk to you." Okay sure... the convo went something like this:

Me: Yes sir, what's up
Him: I thought you were going out of town this weekend
Me: (chuckled) I was, but we had to work today...and no one could cover my shift (meaning I didn't bother asking my boss because I knew she wouldn't be interested), so I had plans of being gone, but it didn't work out
Him: Oh, I'm sorry about that, so you're saving the trip for another time?
Me; Well it worked out that I was broke this weekend anyway and couldn't afford to go, plus I was out sick on tuesday and since I don't get sick time, I need the few extra hours to make up for it....
Him: Oh Okay, I just new we had talked about it earlier this week...I was confused.  I'm glad to see you're not in a bad mood though... "Grumpy Tommy" has the potential for fifty pissed off people from the start (in reference to my contractors)...

He continued laughing about how he uses the "Grumpy Tommy" metaphor as a management strategy in meetings or something...okay weirdo.  I mean yeah, sort of funny, but I'm more concerned by why this guy is talking to me all of a sudden.  I'm freaking out.

I'm kind of in GM overload.  People totally switching it up on me like that freaks me the hell out.  It would be one thing if he were bipolar or something and constantly up and down...but this is a total change from how things normally are.  I'm paranoid.

There are rumors of more cuts within the client company happening by February...I don't see my job lasting into the new year... I don't see the presence of the staffing company I work for being out here period by that time... I'm being realistic.  In order for the client to survive (despite the numerous cuts they've already made) they are going to have to operate bare bones to make up for the labor involved in peak "production"... I just hope that my resume catches someone's attention by that point so that I can leave voluntarily rather than being escorted out.  Blah.

I've thought about looking for work in new cities or areas, but I don't know where to begin...or where I'd want to work.  I love new england, never been and they have shitty cold winters but I've always been drawn there...Maine especially.  Oregon has always caught my eye, so has Washington State... I don't see myself in a Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi place or the surrounding area....

Georgia maybe, South Carolina, North Carolina dependent upon the area.... Texas, not really but I dunno, Oklahoma, Kansas or Tornado anywhere, fuck no.... Arizona and New Mexico sure... but the freaky snakes and spiders rule it out... California, nah... Nevada, Utah, Nah.... Idaho, what the fuck, no, Colorado, maybe... Minnesota, South/North Dakota, Alaska.... negative... I'm not trying to be in Virginia forever but I definitely have to research before actually following through on such a drastic thought.  Ohio, no... I think a good portion of Ohio is now living in Virginia simply for the military bases around here... there and Kansas seem to have folks that join the military just to get the hell up out of there, haha.... why would I go sprinting that route... Michigan...Wisconsin...I dunno...

I'm amused about the thought of just picking up and starting fresh, but in reality I could do that with a move out of grandma's house you know, I don't have to leave the state... Canada would be a thought... but not the french side... lol. I guess I've kind of narrowed it down a bit, I mean shit, what's left really, lol. Oh West Virginia--NEGATIVE...i Have family there...which means I'm already related to probably the whole state somehow or another...

I digress...spreadsheets to do... gotta get ready for Monday.


Asphalt Cowboy said...

Just a thought...I've been to, lived in, or through 43 of the 50 states.

If you want advice or have questions, holla.

Mel's Way or No Way said...

Hey, what's wrong with Minnesota?! No, just kidding. I'm not a native here and every year I ask myself at least once why I moved to this frozen wasteland. But if I would not have come here, I wouldn't have met A and would not have this life I love.
Congrats on finally making some progress with management but I can understand why you would be so unsure about the suddden change of attitude. I'm overly suspicious at times and would be unsure too.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Queen of Ruckus said...

Arizona... yeah, spiders, snakes, scorpions,MASSIVE dust storms, heat waves that don't end, wild, rabid and feral coyotes, jack rabbits, and the occasional tourist, squirrely cactus wrens, dive bomber Africanized bees, tumble weeds, killer saguaro cacti, extra prickly prickly pear cacti, lots and lots of dirt... It's paradise here!

Helen McGinn said...

To hell with it all, Tommy, move to Scotland! The weather is shit but I know really good bars....*L*

Anonymous said...

Whenever a GM takes notice of an employee like yours has done with you, it has to be a good thing. Because if it was bad, he wouldn't waste his time.

California ='d a nah? :(

I don't know why but I've been thinking Maine. I'll wait to see how the marriage vote ends up before I say anything to the Wife though. No need to see her head spin a 360 prematurely.

tommy said...

Asphalt--I may take you up on that...

Mel-- Minnesota is SOOO not me...but I'm glad that it worked out so well for you, even if it is ass cold (just more reason to cuddle right?)

Queen-- Arizona has not only been removed from my list of potential places to live, but places to visit as well, lol... screw that...

Helen-- Everyone would joke on my southern accent, lol... drinking and catching a buzz just makes my drawl that much worse, ha

Jude-- Cali has a great gay scene, but it's expensive as shit and just waiting to fall into the pacific ocean... haha...

Propane-- The being related to the State of West Virginia has been a theory of mine for sometime which is why I've never risked sleeping with anyone from there, haha... I can't risk something along the lines of Deliverence...(even if I have been told I have a perty

I've got all the things you mentioned here in VA, you're just going with the extremes in all areas, lol--I'm sure it's going to work well for you :) And I mean it's not like hurricane season lasts from November to June or anything HAHAHAHAHAHAH