Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane season and life on the east coast

So Jen's mom called in a quasi-panic asking about the hurricane... she's still in Colorado where Jen is from and always gets worried when we have hurricanes roll in. 

This was after I got a text from Jen asking if we had our hurricane supplies (my first thought being... what the hell are hurricane supplies... yes, you'd think that spending all of my 31 years on the east coast I'd know all of this by now, but I never think about it... and the fact that 26 of those 31 years have been spent about 45 minutes inland of Va Beach oceanfront and prime hurricane territory... but I suppose that since I'm so used to them its no big deal.

I guess it's like places where it snows all the time... like Minnesota--I'm sure folks there don't freak out everytime they see a snowflake... ya know....

So anyway, the really awful part of this story and the detail that makes me a really awful and out of touch person is the fact that Jen mentioned a hurricane the other day and called it by name, "Sandy" and I was like, "Sandy? We're in the "S"s already, where the hell have I been?" I really had no idea...

I really should start watching the news.  But the news is so depressing...hell even the weather part of it.  I'd rather be surprised... carry around my super big gay rainbow umbrella and just keep on truckin'...

I dunno...

What makes things different for me now is that my parents are retired officially and now living down on Hatteras Island, past Rodanthe in Salvo, NC... where just last year during Hurricane Irene their beach house was ruined and had to be gutted and they were just able to move into it...

They didn't evacuate for it... and part of hwy 12 has been compromised...other portions had already been closed off because of water and sand in the road... I checked message boards and have seen pictures of houses at Mirlo Beach (previous home of Serendipity--the house they used in the movie "Nights in Rodanthe" with Richard Gere...but later moved because it was going to fall into the ocean...) about to, or falling into the ocean.... 

This stuff is crazy... they are getting hit with the worst of it now.  We've just been getting a lot of wind yet... So tomorrow morning, I'll set my alarm for earlier than four to give me extra time to coax the dogs out into the "swamp" of a front yard and then inch my way down the back roads to the interstate and just go from there...

I talked to mom earlier, I let her know that they already cancelled schools tomorrow so lil man is out... and in the conversation she mentioned how she had to put on her hip waiters (that she'd normally use to go sound fishin or surf fishin if it's super cold, lol) just to walk to dog today.... i had to laugh because if she was going to all that trouble to stay dry then what about Earl, her dog...he's just a miniature schnauzer.... can he breathe under water and pee at the same time?

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