Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Drop it Low!

I don't have much time these days which should explain my lack of blogging over the last year...but just wanted to share something...I'm adopting a low carb lifestyle.

The scales have tipped at damn near 300 lbs and for my 5'3" self--OMG.  The sad thing is that I don't feel that big. However, when I look at pictures of me I want to hide and never leave the house again.  I just don't get it.  How did this happen?  It's always been easy for me to blame whatever medicine I was on at the time... granted, 9 times out of 10 that was a legit cause. I can't use that as an excuse anymore though, because it doesnt matter what size I am now or 100 lbs from now, I'll always have to be medicated.  I can't risk my bipolar disorder getting out of wack and teetering to manic or super depressed--gotta keep it as close to the middle as I can.

I attempted Atkins about a month ago and every week since.  My sister was starting it and I felt like doing it with her (even though she's five hours away) would be a good idea.  I didn't do the research though, I just took her word for it on what to do.

Needless to say my uniformed self wasn't successful.  I'd start out okay then by the weekend I was back to my old eating habits.  Then that Monday would roll around and there I was standing on the scale, exactly where I had been and sometimes a couple of pounds heavier.

I'd lose a few pounds and then celebrate with icecream, chips, pizza, etc--doesn't work that way.

I had tried to give up all artificial sweeteners as well (at the same time) OMG! I don't recommend that one.

Well last weekend I downloaded the Atkins book to my Kindle App and got an idea of what I needed to do and I feel much better about it.  I've given up the majority of artificial sweeteners, but I take advantage of the Atkins shakes and snack bars (even though the price is as high as giraffe pussy) ... I couldn't do this without something sweet in my life.

I have 150 lbs that I want to and will lose.  It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen.  I've got to turn over a new leaf and keep it turned... I can't afford to go back to my old ways.

They say "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels..." Well I wouldn't know--I'm a food addict and have never had an idea of what skinny feels like so I was fine with tasting EVERYTHING!!!

This is my 4th attempt in the last 4 weeks... I feel better about it though.  Easy to say on Day 2, but it's hard to explain, unless you've felt what I'm trying to talk about--my attempt at explanation will be lacking and a total fail.

I'm going to get back into the habit of blogging--not just about weight loss and health stuff but just in general.  It always made me feel better and I've lost that part of me--time to get it back.

Wish me luck.

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